Setting up your space

Practicing the Niyama’s - Bringing Saucha into your practice

What is the Niyama Saucha? Most often Saucha translates to meaning “purity or cleanliness” both on and off the yoga mat. It's the first Niyama you will learn when exploring Patanjali's 8 limb path of yoga. Here’s a few simple steps to bring Saucha into your yoga practice and life.

Create space.

This important concept really applies to not only your yoga space but your life as well. In this era of Covid it is the only real necessity for a home based practice. Set up a designated space in your home. This will help you stay more consistent in your practice. If you don’t have to think about where to unroll your mat, you’re already one step closer to practicing.

Invite in peace.

Try choosing a space that’s near natural light and free of annoying noises and other distractions. Your yoga space should be a place to relax, meditate, bend, stretch. and practice in peace.

Use yoga props.

In an ideal world I recommend using blocks, straps, a bolster or pillow, and a blanket. However, before you rush out and drop a ton of cash I’d suggest you see if this home practice is really something you’re going to be doing consistently. These are all nice tools to have, but chances are you have items that would work just as well in your home already. In place of a bolster, you can pile a couple of pillows on top of each other or roll up a blanket or towel. If you are on a budget try using other tools like books that work as yoga blocks and a towel, old tie, or belt that can be used in place of a yoga strap.

Clear out the clutter.

The true intention of saucha is to also help you let go of people, things, and objects that may be holding you back, weighing you down, or no longer serving you. This all begins with setting up a clean, clear space that is welcoming and inviting. If you do not need it, it may be time to pay it forward and take it to goodwill.

Create an inviting space.

Your home practice area should be a place of peace and should encourage you to spend time there. This area should inspire you to get on the mat, even on those days you’d rather be scrolling through IG under the covers. There are many things you can do to make this space a magnet for you. Try freshening up your new space by decorating or painting it to create a place for yourself that is centering, welcoming, and inviting. Try adding plants, sun catchers, murals, art work, fuzzy pillows or blankets, a special bolster, or new lighting. Whatever your choose, keep it your own vibe.

As you travel down your own wellness path remember that your yoga journey and story will continue to evolve over time as you grow and change with your practice. Let your yoga space become your own personal sanctuary and help aide you in developing drishti for what feels right for you. Enjoy the journey and see you on the mat.


Self care for uncertain times.